* Tired for no reason?
* Having trouble getting up in the morning?
* Need coffee, colas, salty or sweet snacks to keep going?
* Feeling run down and stressed?

These are the symptoms Dr. James Wilson lists for someone experiencing adrenal fatigue.   He says that:

the main purpose of your adrenals is to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems.  Whether they signal attack, retreat or surrender, every cell responds accordingly, and you feel the results.  In a more primitive society that would mean being able to run away quickly, fight or pursue an enemy or game, endure long periods of physical challenge and deprivation, and store up physical reserves when they are available. In modern society, these same responses are triggered by such circumstances as a difficult boss, air pollution, family quarrels, financial problems, too little sleep, illness  and overindulgence in or sensitivities to food.

CF Nutrition Yoda, Robb Wolf, also posted about his fight with adrenal fatigue.  He says that excessive training (particularly metabolic conditioning) exacerbates the condition.  So what do you do? It’s a lifestyle change, but you have to prioritize rest and sleep even above getting your WOD in.   So, if you have the above symptoms, make sure you:

  • Eat right.  Paleo or Paleo Zone.  At the very minimum, go gluten-free.
  • Sleeeeep.  In the dark, for at least 8 hours.  Try for 9.
  • Be selfish with your time.  Set aside some down time for yourself, either to veg out, walk the dog, stare at a fire, play an instrument, draw, alphabetize your spice drawer, etc!

Put simply, adrenal fatigue can make you a fat cranky sloth with zero sex drive. Now THAT’s no fun!

REST DAY 11.08.09

2 Responses to “Adrenal Fatigue”

Michael H
November 9, 2009 at 10:01 PM

I would add to this, gotta set aside to decompress before sleeping. No TV no computer, just let the brain settle an hour before you plan on sleeping. Trust me you’ll enjoy your slumber to the nth degree.

[...] our performance trifecta of nutrition, training, and sleep/rest.  Lack of sleep can contribute to adrenal fatigue, an increased level of cortisol, and can result in the decline of health and performance.  Ruth [...]