Fish Game Warmup

Fish Game Warmup

Back in the day (pre 1972), Olympic Weighlifting meets included not only the snatch and clean & jerk, but also the clean & press. While the snatch and clean & jerk’s primary component is explosivity, the clean & press has a sheer strength component as well.

It was sacked for a couple of reasons, one being that the standards for judging were fuzzy and athletes were resorting to extreme hyperextension of the back during the lift to the point where it resembled an upright bench press.

So, to review a couple of key points:

Grip: Make sure you rotate your thumbs slightly downwards and rest the bar on the meaty portion of your hand.  The object is to get the bar as close to your wrist as possible to reduce any floppiness.  Make sure your forearms are vertical and that your elbows are just slightly in front of your rib cage.

Breath: Deeeep breath, clamp down and pressurize. Hold for the duration of the lift.

Lean: Tighten up your glutes, extend from the hips (not arching!!). Think of it as pushing your hips over your feet. This lean should be just enough to accommodate the bar path to go straight up and getting your chin out of the way.

Press: Keeping your legs straight (no push press!), press the bar up in a straight line, barely scraping the tip of your nose with it. As soon as the bar gets past your head, shove your torso forward. Lock out your elbows, shoulder blades together & up!! At the top, make sure you stay tight in the trunk and glutes to keep from arching your back.

Return: Return the bar in the exact reverse motion, leaning back from the hips as the bar returns to the racked position. Be careful to reset those elbows in front of your ribs.

WOD 01.26.10

Press 3×5

Row (calories)
Rest 1 minute between each set.

Count lowest set (not cumulative).

8 Responses to “Meet the Press”

January 26, 2010 at 10:03 AM

Great, this is exactly the tabata I wanted to do today.

Game @ Parras Middle School against West High

Start time 4:30

January 26, 2010 at 10:06 AM

Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer at The Counter….

Being a strict Paleo dieter, I’ll be following Marcus’ recommendation and going Salad Buger. But I promise not to tell if others stick with the bun. :)

January 26, 2010 at 11:59 AM

Great work Scott! As a member of the esteemed control group, I’m willing to sample the various burgers on buns and report how glutenous eating them makes me feel :)

January 26, 2010 at 12:16 PM

*sigh* my poor misguided control group…Don’t pedal your glutenous foods at our paleo gym! :P

January 26, 2010 at 12:55 PM

i miss u guys … i’m having withdrawls. see you tom nite!!

January 26, 2010 at 12:56 PM

oh, and whats this control group?

January 26, 2010 at 2:00 PM

I have no idea who the “Control” group is, but I’m starting a new group….the “Complete Lack of Self Control Group”…who wants to join me?

We can have meetings at my house where we drink wine & beer, eat buffalo wings, devour fresh chips and guac, order late night El Tarasco and discuss why Scott can’t seem to lose any weight!!! Who’s with me???

January 26, 2010 at 3:27 PM

you know, Robb Wolf fires his athletes for not eating Paleo. I’m not that mean. I’ll stick to negative reinforcement! Yay burpees!