The ladies out of the gate during Hell-in (WOD#2)

TheNext Level Invitational registration is open and will close as soon as each category is filled. So far, we have about 6 competitors from the gym (one of which I know signed up already-thank you Dustin!). Here are a few updates:

1. For every 4 competitors, we’ll need 1 volunteer for the event. I’ll get details soon, but I’m guessing it’ll have to do with score keeping and set up. Any volunteers?
2. The spectator registration is open ($10/ea) but every competitor can register 1 “guest” free. That may free up 6 guest passes. If you’re competing and have a free pass, please post to comments.
3. Many of you asked about which category you qualify for. NLP made this really easy. You answer 6 questions involving your benchmark times and lift PRs and they make the choice for you. However, here are some guidelines delineating what an advanced vs intermediate athelte is:

Advanced Division:
Ability to complete 90%+ of WODs to CrossFit’s standard (RXd) including range of motion ie. full depth on squats, full hip extensions on box jumps, locked overhead KB swings etc. All athletes WILL be held to these standards.

Most athletes will have a year or more experience in CrossFit, or a history in athletics/sport.

Associated skills and performances as RXd:
Helen sub 8:15/sub 9:00
Grace sub 3:15/sub 4:00
Fran sub 4:30/ sub 5:00
OHS 3 reps @ BW
Deadlift 2x bodyweight
Sub 7 min mile
50 unbroken Doubleunders
15-20 unbroken CTB Pullups (30-40 regular kipping)
15-20 unbroken ring dips/10 unbroken ring dips
Understand and have competency in both Olympic Lifts.

Intermediate and Master’s division:
Ability to do approx 70% of WODs RXd. Have a basic understanding of CrossFit movements. Functional capacity with bodyweight movements including kipping pullups, pushups and air squats etc.

Most athletes in this category will have been CrossFitting for 6 months or more.

Associated skills and performances as RXd:
Helen sub 10:30/sub 12:00
Grace sub 7:00/sub 8:30
Fran sub 9:00/sub 10:00
OHS approx 80% of bodyweight for 1 rep
Deadlift @ 1.5x Bodyweight
Sub 8:15 min mile/sub 8:30
10-20 unbroken kipping pullups
5 – 15 unbroken ring dips/3-5 ring dips
Understand and have familiarity with both Olympic Lifts.

Remember our staff has final call on which division you will compete in based on the responses provided to the following:

All weights listed in pounds
1. Provide 3 max weights lifted – ex. Back squat 200# , deadlift 315#, shoulder press 150#
2. Provide best time/ score in one of these 4 wods – Filthy Fifty, Fight Gone Bad, Michael or Helen
3. Provide best time in one of these 3 wods – Fran, Grace or Randy
4. Provide max weight lifted for 1 olympic lifting movement
5. Pick 2 of the 3 following movements and provide max consecutive reps. Pullups, pushups, muscle ups.
6. Choose your desired division and include your age, gender, height, weight, time CrossFitting and your affiliate.

Sign up soon!   Updates and movement announcements to come.  Stay tuned.  In the meantime, work on those goats.  Murphy’s Law will inevitably prevail and you will most likely face at these one of your goats if you don’t work on them!

REST DAY 07.18.10

4 Responses to “Update on Next Level Invitational”

July 18, 2010 at 9:10 AM

I would like to volunteer and I definitely want to go.

July 18, 2010 at 9:48 AM

REGISTERED and I have a pass for a guest.

I have enough goats for a herd…can I just pray for all of them to get lost?

July 19, 2010 at 4:54 PM

I could volunteer too :)
I could also be the official Intrepid Cheerleader!! hehe

July 19, 2010 at 10:20 PM

Woohoo! Still have the pom poms?