First, a quick reminder to sign up ASAP for the 70′s Big workshop coming next weekend, August 7th. Ruth has also been informed that Justin and AC will be available for training on Friday evening for $25 per person. Let us know right away so we can get a headcount!

Today’s question:

What’s the best sports drink for during or post-WOD?

Sports drinks are a big business. Advertisers love to feature athletes drinking their beverages so people form a mental connection between the two. Who can forget the iconic “Be Like Mike” campaign?

Then there’s this more recent campaign, featuring my least favorite player:

The funny thing is that most people view the 2nd commercial and shake their heads at the thought of drinking soda after a workout. But aside from the carbonation, there’s not a lot of difference between Sprite and Gatorade. In fact, while they plan to change this year to a glucose-dextrose blend, Gatorade has been using HFCS as their energy source of choice… just like sodas. Further muddying the waters is the fact Gatorade is owned by Pepsi, while Coke owns Powerade. Yet oddly, many people reach for a Gatorade thinking that it’s somehow healthier than a can of soda.

So it should come as no surprise that the recommended drink of choice is plain ol’ water. Your body doesn’t need the extra sweeteners once you train your taste buds accordingly. Oh and the electrolytes? It’s pretty much nothing more than table salt. Unless you come into the gym dehydrated, you would only need electrolytes after three or more hours of extreme exercising. So grab a bottle (hopefully stainless steel) of H2O, since it’ll get the job done better than anything else. Yes, even more than Brawndo — water is what plants (and humans) crave.

WOD 07.26.10

Back Squat 3×5, 1×15-20

Then, four rounds for time:

  • 10 Toes to Bar
  • 10 Ground to Overhead

14 Responses to “Nutritional Q&A 2”

July 26, 2010 at 7:29 AM

Nice post but it sounds like someone is drinking that Haterade!

July 26, 2010 at 8:45 AM

At about sugar free vitamin water?

July 26, 2010 at 9:37 AM

@Anna, aside from artificial sweeteners, it’s pretty much just flavored water. If I needed to convince a 5 year old to drink more water and it would get them to switch from sucking down juice boxes, sure. For an adult, they should save their money and just drink water. If they had that overpowering a sweet tooth, they likely have more problems than dehydration.

July 26, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Regular ol water? Like from the toilet?

July 26, 2010 at 11:01 AM

@Brian, if that’s where you normally get your water, have at it! (On a side note, I always wondered why you took your pink water bottle into the bathroom…)

July 26, 2010 at 11:16 AM

Marcus, you cant throw out Brawndo, then rip on me for replying with that line. (Idiocracy..if anyone is wondering) Besides we all know that a few beddy-bye beers are the trick to replenishing vital nutrients after a hard day of crushing WODs.

and why you gotta bring up the pink water bottle?!

July 26, 2010 at 11:29 AM

I had to mention the pink water bottle after seeing you jealously eye Jenna’s blue version. :)

July 26, 2010 at 11:53 AM

hahaha Brian, I saw a green one at Target yesterday!!! You should go get it! Although I do enjoy seeing you sport Anna’s pink one ;)

July 26, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Mixing water, coarse sea salt, a couple drips of grade B syrup and a squeeze of a lemon is the best post run/bike drink. Kinda paleo . . .ish.

July 26, 2010 at 3:45 PM

That’s what I call some high quality H20

July 26, 2010 at 10:39 PM

9:50@ 115#
BS @ 300#
This was a goal of mine and I reached it today! Thanks CFI for getting me there.

July 26, 2010 at 11:46 PM

JAKE!! Doooode. Nice job!

July 27, 2010 at 6:43 AM

Niiice Jake!!!!

CrossFit Intrepid » Paleo and Endurance
September 16, 2010 at 6:05 AM

[...] up more information on the specific supplements he gave me, but I’ve already given my take on sports drinks for general use. Since very long distance endurance events are a specific event, I felt it appropriate to have a [...]