Mar / 11
Thought for Food
Categories: Nutrition, Workout of the Day
posted by: ruth
In a given day, your routine involves preparation and execution. There are constants throughout your day and you take the time and effort to prepare for them. An example might be your work attire, work briefing or presentation, or just making sure you leave the house in time to beat the traffic.
For most of you reading this post, another constant will be your commitment to health and wellness; your dedication to surpassing last week’s lifts; your need to push the envelope with each workout and know that you performed better than yesterday. Some of you go as far as to prepare your workout attire to best suit the wod, be it super cute knee highs for oly lifts (because we all know cute socks=PRs!), pants for rope climbs, tanks for warm weather and aerodynamics, etc.
How many of you prioritize your pre-workout nutrition? Is it an afterthought or is it carefully planned out to maximize your results? Do you only think about it when you are starting to black out from an intense metcon or when you feel like your squat warm up sets are heavier than your previous 1RM attempt? Don’t cb your PR by not making the time to eat during the day.
To grow as an athlete you have to get to know your body’s relationship with foods. What do you need to fuel a wod like Deadlift 1RM vs Fran vs Cindy? How much time before class do you have to eat? What do you need post wod?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, the time to find out is before the wod comes and not the day of. Take a moment to evaluate how you have prepared yourself by fueling up with the right foods. This way, when competition day rolls around your nutrition will be the last of your worries and you can go back to agonizing over which socks go better with your lucky shorts!
- The Huddle
- Medball fun
- One leg bounds
- Hill Sprint x 5
- Power Cleans!
- Calisthenic Warm Up
- Friendly bunch
Big thanks and welcome to the Belgrano Athletic Club Rugby Team for coming by yesterday and showing us how 45 athletes can use our space and get it done in under 2 hours! I was in awe of how their coaches quickly assessed our equipment, the surrounding parking lot area, and (of course) the hill run. They created a strength & conditioning workout in stations, rotating between med ball throws, calisthenics, squats, power cleans, bench press, hill runs, and all sorts of sport specific agility in between.
Good luck in San Diego and safe travels!
WOD 03.11.11
L-Sit Skillwork
5 Rounds:
Every 3 minutes perform:
- 1 Rope Climb (Sub 2 Climbs from floor)
- 200m Row
- 20 Double Unders (Sub x3 Singles)
*Rest remainder of interval*
14 Responses to “Thought for Food”
March 11, 2011 at 9:52 AM
Knew this was written by Ruth because of the phrase “Don’t cb your PR..”
March 11, 2011 at 9:53 AM
yeah cuz Marcus wouldn’t have abbreviated!
- Marcus
March 11, 2011 at 9:54 AM
By the way, who’s got a recipe for rutabagas and beets?
March 11, 2011 at 10:14 AM
@Ruth – I was planning to either just roast the beets until caramelized or maybe this recipe for Beets and Brussels Sprouts.
I didn’t get any rutabagas in my delivery!
March 11, 2011 at 10:17 AM
@Marcus, wah wah.. I’m gonna make mashed rutabagas.
March 11, 2011 at 10:20 AM
@Ruth – I used the “winter root vegetables” pack from TJ’s (turnips, parsnips, rutabagas) and made a mash, similar recipe but adding garlic and I think heavy cream. It came out good, but very…earthy tasting. YMMV
March 11, 2011 at 10:25 AM
woah woah woah. back it up! a whole rugby team was in our box?! had i known, i would have definitely come by to, err, support
great post ruth!!! i learned a lot. #1 thing, i need better socks!
March 11, 2011 at 11:12 AM
@Poojah…comments like that will not help you get the bling you desire
What is a rutabaga? Aren’t beets full of sugar kinda in the same vein as fruit?
March 11, 2011 at 11:16 AM
ummm, yea, who are all these hotties and can we invite them back on a saturday?!
good post, ruth. this Lenten season (quiet Marcus) I hope to pick up my nutrition, beginning with cutting out alcohol (well cut it out by 90 percent) and chocolate.
March 11, 2011 at 11:25 AM
becky!!! i gave up chocolate, too!
March 11, 2011 at 11:27 AM
I do not think about my pre-wod nutrition… the differences between what to eat before a DL max and Fran (I thought as long as its rare and beef we are safe)??
More info on this would be greatly appreciated!!
March 11, 2011 at 11:31 AM
@Pooja, dang it, More reading comprehension classes for you!
@Xuan, sugar in beets < sugar in beer…
But seriously, it’s the difference between glycemic index and glycemic load:
Beets have a glycemic index of 64, which SEEMS high, but to get 50 grams of digestible carbohydrate you have to eat FIVE CUPS o’ beets. Carrots get a bad rap for the same reason, so unless you’re boiling, pureeing, and slurping tons of the veg down, you’ll be ok.
March 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM
@Anna, it honestly depends on what your body needs. For me, before something like Fran, Cindy, OR Murph, I feel I do better with some dense carbs and fat (along with usual protein, but maybe a bit less so I don’t feel heavy).
Before DL max, Diane, Oly lifting, I need lots protein and some amount of animal fat (seems to do better for me than avocado or nuts), and not as much carbs, if at all.
Canned beets are different, though. They have tons of ADDED sugar!!
But I can eat up to 10 minutes pre workout for a strength wod, and 15-20 pre metcon and do ok (unless it’s spicy food!).
So, in the end, it’s very individualized. You just have to be aware of how you feel post wod, examine what you ate/drank/slept prewod and come up with “fuel plan” that works for you!
March 11, 2011 at 2:32 PM
you speak of 45 rugby boys in our gym, what do you think i’m going to focus on!?