Many of you have seen us putting the Strength Sleds together this past week, and today is our first chance to take them out for a spin!  A huge thanks to our friend Aaron who turned us onto the sleds after buying one for his kids (what a great Dad!).  Also, I wanted to take the opportunity to post on the numerous events and happenings on the horizon.  Competitions, Seminars, Get-togethers, you name it…please let us know and we’ll add it to our list of things to track.  Here are the CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, and Powerlifting events in the coming months:


-Olympic Weightlifting


We enjoy teaching just as much as you all enjoy learning.  Here are some various seminars and courses that will be in our area and are open to you (meaning you don’t have to have any certifications to attend).  If you’re interested in attending a CF Level 1 Course and/or training to become an Intrepid Coach, please let Ruth or I know!

Seminars & Continuing Education:

WOD 04.16.11

Rope Climb Skillwork (when not sprinting)

Prowler Challenge #1
· Number of Sprints – 6
· Rest period of each sprint – 60 seconds
· Distance of each sprint– 40 yards
· Weight on Prowler – 140lbs total
· Alternate between horns (vertical black posts) and highest low handle.

*Courtesy of Elite FTS & Jim Wendler*

Cash Out with 3 Sets of Pallof Press

1 Response to “Events on the Horizon”

Nik Werre
April 16, 2011 at 9:06 AM

I’d love to compete in a weightlifting meet this summer. I think May 7th (my bday) is a little soon.

Hope all is well!
