**Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday 9am ONLY. Monday 10am ONLY (resume regular schedule on Tuesday, May 31st).**

Courtesy of "Strength+ Magazine"

You’ve all been there.  You’re warming up toward your work set.  You’ve got a 25# and 10# on each side.  You want to go for 135#, but here’s your dilemma:  do you grab two 10# plates, or remove everything and reload with 45′s?   Well, shucks, you don’t want to tire yourself out, so you opt for the path of least resistance and before you know it, you have the entire collection of 10′s and 15′s loaded on your bar.

Well, believe it or not, there is a rule for proper bar loading, particularly with weights that you intend to drop (i.e. cleans, jerks, snatches, and even deadlifts).  The above pic was created by Strength+ Magazine to illustrate the common bar-[mis]loading errors and the rational behind it.   Read it, memorize it, and follow it, or be branded a gym kook.

WOD 05.24.11

Back Squat

400m Run
20 Pistols (total)
12 Pull Ups

1 Response to “Loading the Bar”

May 24, 2011 at 4:00 PM

I thought we already branded Jake the gym kook. (Kidding bud!)