In keeping with the running theme of this week’s posts, I came across an interesting video on the CrossFit Journal website that makes an excellent case for running, and running properly.

15min 39sec


Dr. Daniel Lieberman is a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University and an avid runner.  His research on human evolution and accident prevention has led him to believe in—as well as utilize—the forefoot running pattern.  We’ve posted before on the unnatural nature of running shoes, but Dr. Lieberman does an excellent job analyzing the impact and subsequent force distribution in our bodies associated with running barefoot (landing on the forefoot first) and also running with a heel strike (landing on the heel first).  He goes on to discuss how landing on the forefoot lessens the impact which in turn helps prevent injury.  Given his human evolutionary biology background, Dr. Lieberman also provides insight on why he believes humans began running in the first place, the adaptations our bodies are equipped with to optimize running, and why the shoe industry’s claims of needing large cushioned heels on our running shoes is nonsense.  If you have 15 minutes to spare check out the video linked above and enjoy Dr. Lieberman’s thought provoking analysis of running.

WOD 07.20.11

Deadlift 1×5 or Wendler

Max Unbroken HSPU
Rest 2 mins
1K Row
Rest 2 mins
Consecutive Double Unders in 2 mins
Rest 2 mins
Max Plank Hold

3 Responses to “Evolution of Running”

July 20, 2011 at 10:38 AM

over/under Holley gets 125 consecutive dubs today.

date night
July 20, 2011 at 12:33 PM

Nik set the bar at 78. I can’t count that high, let alone to 125. I look forward to learning of the over!

July 20, 2011 at 2:01 PM

Nick, count me in 5 burpees for the OVER. Or are we playing for something else???