While researching articles for running posts, I found this great site called the Natural Running Center. It has a wealth of information on the barefoot running style. One of the founders, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, is a family medicine professor who still logs sub 2:40 times in the Boston Marathon even in his 40′s. He also opened the first minimalist running store in the country.

One of the articles in the training/drills section caught my eye. I’ve always been a fan of visualization to facilitate better performance. In fact, I often couldn’t perform a lift/movement without being able to visualize it in slow motion and from all angles.

12 Visualization Cues to Help You Become a Better Runner,” written by Air Force Lt. Col. (Dr.) Dan Kuland, lists easy cues that can help you focus on your form while running instead of the impending hill or your exhaustion!

To run efficiently, just check off these cues from head to heel:

Photo courtesy of the Natural Running Center

1. Fall forward from your ankles in order to enlist gravity.

2. Run softly by imagining a helium balloon attached to your head.

3. Look where you are going, not at your feet.

4. Swing your arms quickly from relaxed shoulders with your elbows bent at 90 degrees and your thumbs and index fingers touching lightly.

5. Imagine being reeled in on a big fishing line attached at your belly button.

6. Expand your lower abdomen like a balloon, then squeeze the air out.

7. Keep your knees slightly bent.

8. Land on the middle of your foot to reduce any braking that would occur from crash landing early on your heel.

9. Imagine running on hot coals with a quick cadence.

10. Think of your foot slipping backward on a banana peel.

11. Picture helium balloons lift-ing your heels.

12. Move your ankles in little circles as if they are wheels

Check out this link for the rest of the article. There are also many reviews of minimalist shoes as well as transition shoes for those of you just starting out. Also, for you visual learners out there, the above video shows Dr. Cucuzzella’s excellent running form (something that I’m still working on demonstrating properly!).

A huge happy birthday to Scott C. who is honeymooning in Bali at this moment! Safe travels, guys!!!

WOD 07.22.11

Back Squat 3×5 or Wendler
Bench Press 3×5 or Wendler

1 Response to “Visualize Your Way to Being a Better Runner”

Michael H
July 22, 2011 at 10:43 AM

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