Yet another Intrepid Power Couple

A few years ago, we posted about the importance of incorporating intervals, but only briefly alluded to an article about energy pathways and how rest periods can maximize work output.  The magic in interval training only occurs if you work as hard as you can during every set.  To do that, you have to know how your mind and body define intensity.  What quits on you first, your mind or your body?

Every athlete needs to achieve a high level of self-awareness, both physically and mentally.  How hard you can push before you run out of gas?   How long you can hold that pace?   How much recovery time do you need to do it again?  The time to answer these questions is in the controlled setting of our classes.

Today’s WOD will be a 1:1 ratio of work to rest. Work as hard as you can knowing that you will have a minute to rest in between.  Don’t coast through the set as you would an AMRAP 20 (or 45).  In between sets, take advantage of the rest time to actively slow down your heart rate and breathing.  Don’t just walk in circles while staring at the clock.  Focus on the next movement and set a goal to shoot for.  Find out just how much you can push the envelope.

WOD 08.09.11

Press 3×5 or Wendler

2 rds:
1 minute of work, 1 minute rest
Tire Flips
Pull Ups
Row (for calories)
Slam Ball

2 Responses to “Interval Intensity”

August 9, 2011 at 9:36 AM

Cutest. Picture. Evar!!!

Date Night
August 9, 2011 at 2:09 PM

For me to be smiling while running, it had to be either round 1 or round 2 of the 45 minutes of amrap hell.