If you’re on the road or just haven’t been in the gym in this week, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Good news=we have 2 ropes hung from the ceiling. Bad news=we have 2 ropes hung from the ceiling and now they’re 15′ high instead of the 10-11′ at the old place. So that means each and everyone of you will have to master not only the up but also the descent back down to the ground (no more jumping down).

I felt that since today we’re working in some rope climbing skillwork as today’s cash-out that I’d repost some of the videos we’ve referenced in past posts. This first video is from Beastskills.com who does an excellent job breaking down difficult gymnastics skills and progressions on his website. Take some time and watch his video below. Oftentimes it helps to hear things explained differently of from a different coach to help it stick and Jim does an excellent job breaking down a variety of options for you to use to get yourself up the rope.

The second is from Ruth’s excellent post and the video was made by CrossFit Portland. As you learned in the first video you’re feet are much more involved in the process of climbing that you might have thought. This gives another persepctive on what is perhaps the most popular technique, the “scissors” or “scoop and stomp” technique as we commonly refer to it.

Both of these are just primers for today’s skillwork. We’ll get more hands-on after the WOD and get you on the road to mastering your rope climb!

WOD 12.21.12

400m Run
10 Burpees
15 Ball Slams

Cash Out: Rope Climb Skillwork

1 Response to “Rope Climb Resources (Revisited)”

Michael H
December 23, 2011 at 1:31 PM

Did anyone notice that this WOD was scheduled for 2012? :)