We’re excited that many of you have been taking such an interest in what you eat and have come to us with excellent questions.  Many of you are further along your Paleo journey than others but today’s post can be helpful to the Paleo pro or newbie.

Whole 9 recently posted an article on how to grocery shop paleo on a budget.  In an early post, I touched on the food matrix concept where with limited options of meat, veggies, fats, and spices one could come up with a multitude of options to keep meals from getting boring.  Robb Wolf posted a shopping list and his own food matrix to go with his Paleo Solution book’s meal plans (which I highly encourage you buy and read).  Also Mark’s Daily Apple also posted a shopping list, but be forewarned that some items of Mark’s list are not Whole 30 approved and may not be allowed in January’s challenge.  If unsure check the Whole 30 site linked above and do some research.

Yes, your first Whole 30 may feel restrictive, but you’re only limited by your imagination and resources.  Since there is no shortage of paleo recipe sites, there’s no excuse to complain about running out of ideas or being tired of eating the same stuff all the time on the paleo diet.  Be creative and experiment with something different once and a while.  If you’re not sure what something is or how it tastes ask some other Intrepids if they’ve ever had it before.

Otherwise, enjoy your next trip to the grocery store or farmer’s market.  I know you’re super excited but try not to stock up so much perishable food items that you can’t get to them all before they spoil.  Instead of one mega food run try breaking it up into 2-3 moderate trips.  You’ll be in and out much quicker and will likely be able to avoid the crowds, or at least maneuver your way around easier, and your food will be fresher.

Your coaches will be at your beck and call for email and even text questions leading up to and during the month, BUT if you ask a dumb question (ie one that we have answered in a recent post or one that we listed multiple links for) there will be burpee penalties.  Use your resources.  Take the opportunity to learn and experiment with recipes!  Ask recent W30 people oodles of questions on what helped them the most.


WOD 12.29.11

Skill Day

Glute Ham Raises
Strict Pull Up
Free Time