Anna's daily work on wall ball shots

I’ve gotten a few questions lately about how to set goals for personal performance gain. People want to know what to pick, how high to reach, and how soon they should check it off their list. The beauty (and bane) of CrossFit is that there are so many damn movements to learn, much less master, it can feel overwhelming no matter how long you’ve been at it. CrossFit pulls from many specialties: gymnastics, olympic weightlifting, power lifting, kettlebells, strongman, rowing, running, and now even swimming. Add that to the necessary regimen you need to recover and adapt to rigorous training: recovery, mobility, rest, and nutrition.

Even if you can make it your full-time job to master all of the movements, it would take a lifetime to do it. We often see a bit of A.D.D. when it comes to athletes and goal setting. For example, an athlete sets out to work on double unders only to see someone in class working on snatches. The next shiny thing catches his eyes, he drops the rope, and wanders over to work on snatches instead. Focus on your goal, attain it, and then move on.

A few tips when setting goals:

  1. If you don’t set a goal, you’ll never reach it: don’t get overwhelmed by all the things you want to be better at.  Commit to your goals.  Work on them.
  2. Pick ONE skill you want to improve: Certain movements are skill based and require repetition to learn such as double unders, handstands, rope climbs, and muscle ups.
  3. Also, set one short term goal:  This goal can be the same OR different from the skill you want to improve.  The difference is that there is a time limit to achieving it.  Pick one thing you want to do by the end of the month.  100 push ups in a row, a sub-1:30 time on a 500m row, 15 strict pull ups, push ups off-knees, better shoulder mobility,  etc.  Work on them at home, before/after class, and on Skills Days.
  4. Then, set one long term goal:  This goal is something you give yourself 6 months to a year to achieve.  It can be a sub 40 minute 10k, a strict pull up, a 2x bodyweight deadlift, body weight snatch, 300# clean, a triathlon, etc.  With this goal, you still have to check in and assess the status of your progress at least once each month.  Work on it when you can.  Focus on improving any form, weakness, or mobility issues that may stand  in your way of the goal.

Every athlete’s goals will be different, so sit down, write down a list of things you suck at.  Write down a list of things you’re good at.  Be honest and realistic.   Prioritize the list and get to work.  Grab a coach or seasoned athlete whenever you get a chance and get some tips.  Be persistent.

Other posts on goal setting:  Jack of All Trades

WOD 01.24.12

Deadlift 1×5 or Wendler

800m Run
21 Push Ups
21 Box Jumps
400m Run
15 Push Ups
15 Box Jumps
200m Run
9 Push Ups
9 Box Jumps

2 Responses to “Goal Tending”

January 24, 2012 at 11:34 AM

cool pic of my lil!!!
great tips, Ruth! thanks :)
double unders and box jumps are still the bane fo my existence. blech.

CrossFit Intrepid » Chip Away
January 28, 2012 at 6:01 AM

[...] the way, and everyone starts their journey at a different point.  Take it one day at a time, set goals, and keep chipping away.  Before you know it, you’ll look back in your notebooks and realize [...]