Today’s post was taken from Coach Al Viquez and crew at CF Inland Valley. Genetically modified foods are derived from the use of GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms, and both are a hot topic lately.  While we encourage you, the conscientious consumer that you are, to do your own research and decide where you stand for yourself, we also believe that we should have a right to know what is in our food.  Check out the video above, and then visit Al’s post for resources to help make your grocery shopping easier should you like to know which foods are non-GMO.

WOD 3.24.12

In Teams of 3-5 Perform 2 Rounds
1 Team member per station, 2 minutes at each station:
Row (1 point per Calorie)
Slam Ball Toss into Tire (1 point for successful toss from close line, 2 from far line)
Double Unders (2 points per 5 Double Unders)
Sandbag to Shoulder (1 point per 2 Reps)
Pinch Grip Farmer’s Carry (1 point for each carry)