As mentioned when we posted Corinne’s story, we will be sharing your stories of what you experienced and your thoughts on taking on the Whole30. Today’s post comes courtesy of our female 1st place finisher, Celina. 

Several months ago I learned about the Whole30 and immediately thought (like so many people) “I could never do that!” Some time went by and I was having some issues shaking some extra post-partum weight from the birth of my son, Aidan. I was about 10 lbs heavier than I was pre-pregnancy, and like so many women, I struggled to lose those last few pounds. I had been doing CrossFit for about four months and was stuck. I needed to do something to up my performance and lose those last pounds.

So I looked at the Whole30 again. I mentioned it to my awesome husband and he replied something to he effect of “we can give it a try if you really want to…” Our friend Bryant also said that he would be interested so just like Corrine, we jumped in feet first. Right away. It was time for a change and we were making it. It just so happened that it was right when Intrepid was starting a Whole30, so five days later the three of us joined that, none of us knowing what road we were headed down.

At first it was hard, really hard. I wanted to give up, just like any recovering addict. Giving up sugar was harder than I expected but the hardest part was having to be so conscious of everything I made to eat, not just for me, but for my family. Planning lunches was really tough, especially as a working mom. But somehow, everyday got easier and easier. Without noticing, I had lost four of those ten pounds. However, that was not the benefit I was most excited for. Within a week, my face had cleared up, I was sleeping like a rock and was way more energetic during the day. Overall, it is not an understatement that I felt amazing.

By day 34 (day 30 for the gym challenge) I had lost a total of 15 pounds, could do three straight pull-ups (which even at the Air Force Academy, I could only ever do two) and felt better than I ever had in my whole life. The Whole30 gave me my body back. It gave me my life back. At the risk of sounding infomercial-ish, it was the restart button I needed. But most of all, it taught me not so much how to eat, but how to break up with foods that were hurting me immeasurably. Diet coke, gone. Sugar and milk in coffee, gone. Ice cream, on all but an extremely rare occasion, gone.

The Whole30 taught me a few very important things:

  1. I have an awesome support system. Patrick, Bryant, my mom, Aidan and everyone at the gym. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.
  2. I had strong addictions to food. I was the person who said “I could never give up bagels!” and I haven’t had anything like that since I started.
  3. Planning is key!
  4. Never underestimate your power to inspire. I know of at least 9 people that have started and finished Whole30 challenges, and stared a paleo lifestyle because I mentioned this on my FB page, or just by talking about it.
  5. Like any recovering addict, it is a long road. It was actually easier on the Whole30, and is harder now that we have reentered the “real world”.
  6. It is so worth it.

I encourage everyone to try this, because after all, if I can do it, anyone can.

WOD 04.08.12

Deadlift 1×5 or Wendler

Then, 8 rounds for time:

  • 100m Run
  • 8 KBS
  • 5 Plyo Pushups

(“Crushing Helen” via CrossFit Football)

2 Responses to “Whole 30 Chronicles: Anyone Can Do This!”

April 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM

Celina, thanks for the inspiration and motivation. That’s amazing the other “side” effects of Paleo. Great job on the weight loss. And great pic! (Insert a whistle!)

April 9, 2012 at 9:11 PM

Really inspiring story Celina!! I can’t believe you had 15 lbs to lose, but you look amazing. Thanks for sharing!