I recently chatted with a police officer about balancing health and wellness with work and family.   For this father of two, the teeter-totter was nearly impossible to maintain.  His 12-hour shifts, beginning his day at noon when he gets out of bed, helps his wife with the kids and drives into work to squeeze in a quick 3-mile run before work.  After an occasional hour of overtime or two, he gets home close to 7am when he tries to catch some shut eye while his kids are running around the house, all the while feeling guilty for not spending time with them.

Where in the world does he find time for working out and fueling his body with proper nutrition?  And if he DID find time, what energy would he have with less than 5 hours of restless sleep?  While this case may be more extreme than others, I’m sure most of you can relate to the frustration of not being able to balance work/life/play without sacrificing precious time for your kids, spouse, or hobbies?

Here are some suggestions of things you can do maximize your time and attain that balance:

  • Buy tupperware and a crock pot.  Cook as many as 6 meals at a time while you sleep.
  • If you can’t get into the gym, choose from a number of body weight WODs involving running, push ups, sit ups, squats, sprints, lunges, burpees, v-ups, double unders (i.e. Angie, Barbara, Cindy, Chelsea, Annie, Murph).
  • Get the kids involved.  Take them outside and throw/kick the ball around.  Have them hold the timer for your workout and count rounds.  Kids make the best and most effective cheerleaders!
  • Always have an emergency food kit on you:  water, fruit, nuts, Oh My Bar, Paleo Kits, and jerky so you resist the urge to snack on fast food and junk.
  • Get blackout curtains so that the sleep you DO manage to get is as restful as possible.
  •  Try to multi-task by incorporating mobility drills and stretching into your day, while sitting at your desk, driving, brushing your teeth, etc.
  •   Take time to assess your quality of life and work/life balance.  Carve time out for yourself where you can.  Prioritize.  Sometimes, your body will benefit way more from an hour nap than an hour at the gym.

WOD 05.15.12

Deadlift 1×5

  • 12 Front Squats
  • 24 Lunges
  • Run 800m
  • 8 Front Squats
  • 16 Lunges
  • Run 400m
  • 4 Front Squats
  • 8 Lunges
  • Run 200m

1 Response to “From the CFI Vault: Squeezing 25 Hours Into 24”

May 15, 2012 at 8:22 AM

Ruth, great suggestions for time management foranyone who struggles with work-life balance. I <3 my crockpot! And I love using the travel WODs you sent out over Christmas for when I'm on travel.