We regularly reference 70sBig.com articles since we often visit the site to see what Justin and crew have to share, and every Friday they ask their readers to share personal records (PRs) from their previous week’s training. As our membership continues to grow, I feel this is something we can experiment with to not only share our successes with our Intrepid peers but to recognize the accomplishments of one another. We all had our humble beginnings and no matter how experienced we may feel, I think we can all appreciate personal progress. Whether it be a first strict pullup, muscle up, body weight deadlift, first time doing 5 consecutive double unders, the list of personal accomplishments goes on and on and shouldn’t be limited only to a PR in weight lifted.

For our beginner Intrepids every week may bring new PRs as their linear progression brings them heavier and heavier on a weekly basis and you acquire more proficiency with various skill movements, while our more experienced athletes find progress is gradual often accomplished more on a monthly, quarterly, or even annual basis. I think it’s only right that on Saturday, at the end of our training week, we reflect on how our training week went and share areas where we excelled and accomplishments that you’re proud of. Let’s recap this past week: our strength work included Bench Press on Monday, Snatch on Tuesday, Deadlift on Wednesday, and Back Squat on Friday. Did you lift any 1, 3, or 5 rep PRs? What about PRs in your burnout sets? In our conditioning work we performed quite a bit of skill movements this week with Rope Climbs, Handstand Pushups, Double Unders, Ring Dips, and Muscle Ups. Were you able to accomplish more unbroken reps or excel in any of the skills this week or others that you practiced on Thursday? We also ran three 400m runs on Tuesday and rowed 1Km on Wednesday, were you able to keep a split PR or total time PR? These are things you can post about on PR Saturdays. I’ll highlight a few Intrepid PRs that I witnessed or heard of:

  • Michael H. pulled a new 3 rep Deadlift PR at 305#
  • Troy snatched 155# for a 1RM PR
  • Jon kicked up near effortlessly into his first handstand
  • Holley accomplished her first workout where she did all of the muscle ups required
  • Vik performed his first full rope climb without using assistance from his legs

I’m sure I missed a bunch of other PRs so please post and share with coaches and other Intrepids alike!

Our new sign was installed yesterday. A big thanks to Outlaw Graphix here in El Segundo for the design and installation. Now you can’t miss us!

WOD 5.19.12

25 Sledgehammer Strikes or Ball Slams
50 Ring Rows
25 Situps
50 Box Jumps
25 Sledgehammer Strikes or Ball Slams
50 Wallball Shots
25 Situps

9 Responses to “Introducing PR Saturdays”

May 19, 2012 at 7:15 AM

I hit a new 1RM of 240 in the deadlift. Considering I was just hoping to get to 200lbs at the end of last year, I am pretty excited about my deadlift progress in 2012 so far!

May 19, 2012 at 7:27 AM

@Amy: I thought you PRd on Weds but I wasn’t sure. Nice work!

May 19, 2012 at 8:03 AM

Amy, AWESOME job! Wish I had been there – I love deadlifting with you!

I PR’ed in snatch – 83 pounds. I have been stuck for a few months at 78, and Ruth’s help with my technique helped me make the 5 pound jump.

May 19, 2012 at 8:04 AM

Sean, Marcus and Ruth, I LOVE the idea of hearing everyone’s successes over the week. Great idea!

May 19, 2012 at 8:28 AM

@Amanda: Nice work getting past the 78# slump. Technique work really pays dividends as the weights get heavier.

May 19, 2012 at 9:23 PM

I had a couple PR’s this week… I hit 305 on my work set for dead lift this week and 205 on my work set for back squat. I also did ring dips on Friday’s WOD without any bands for the first time! It was a good week!

Tom R
May 20, 2012 at 2:36 AM

@Amy – 240lbs on the deadlift is awesome, good for you.

I like the new sign. Is that a line dancing class Ruth and Sean are conducting in the parking lot????????

May 20, 2012 at 6:39 AM

@Braynt: Well done. Indeed this was a good week for you.
@Tom: A little country music and line dancing in the warmups really gets the blood moving. Might be the future of Zumba! Hope all is well Tom. We are all looking forward to the Spartan Race!

[...] Use a spotter, no false gripping, and no collars and your bench pressing will go smoothly.  Get your butt in for our double lift day and set some PR’s to post on PR Saturday! [...]