Athlete with bar in rack position

Gym will be open today for a noon workout only! Normal schedule resumes tomorrow, but will be a regular workout NOT a skills day.

Now that you’ve gotten your fill of tooth-achingly sweet items for the holidays, it’s time to renew your focus for the new year. As your resident nutritional conscience, I need to help pull you back on track so that special holiday treat doesn’t become a new habit.

I’ve written before about the dangers of sugar and if you haven’t watched the video I embedded, I’d strongly encourage you to do so. More and more research continues to surface that suggests sugar acts like a opiate. There was a recent post over at Robb Wolf’s site that covers that exact topic:

No one will argue the fact that heroin, morphine, and pain killers are highly addictive substances. They become addictive due to their ability to suppress pain, reduce anxiety, and can even cause us to have a higher sense of joy. There is another opiate that most of us consume on a daily basis that may be just as addicting, and that is sugar.

Click on over to Robb’s site to read the rest of the article.

WOD 12.26.12

Team WOD

30 reps of the following movements:
Deadlifts (Diane weight)
Overhead Squats (Jeremy weight)
Pull Ups
Weighted Sit Ups

Each teammate has to complete all 30 reps before moving on to the next movement. Only one athlete can be working on a movement at a time.

Inspired by 2012 CrossFit Games Team Chipper