

We wrapped up the 2013 CrossFit Open workouts last Friday. From some of the grumbles I heard in the gym, many of you weren’t sad that the Open was ending. After I finish a major event like this, I like to reflect on how it went, if I met my goals, etc. Since this is where the 2013 CrossFit Games season ends for all of us, I think it’s an appropriate time to reflect. I’ll share my reflections/opinions below and then I encourage all of you to share your reflections as well.

1. I improved on all workouts this year vs 2012, so I’ve made progress in the last year.

2. I need to get much stronger!

3. Next year I hope to see more creativity in WODs so we’re not seeing the same movements in the Open every year so people feel encouraged to broaden their skillset.

4. The burpee workout was brutal, but I really liked that they combined the burpee and snatch workouts from 2012.

5. I did a great job with pre-WOD mobility, but I need to do a better job with mobility work after doing the Open WODs to avoid getting too tight after the high intensity workouts. This negatively affected my training as it took me longer to recover from the workouts.

6. My box jumps leave something to be desired, I need to work on my ability to rebound off the ground and keep my rests to the top of the box.

7. I need to improve my efficiency in workouts and work to maintain more perfect form even when I’m exhausted.

8. This year 150 wall balls didn’t seem as evil as last year.

9. I would love to see Intrepid put together a team for the Open next year, it’s easier to be motivated when you have other people counting on you.

10. Fran still destroys me more than any other workout, and Infinity Fran is just cruel!


Now I’d like to hear from all of you. What did you think of Dave Castro’s programming? Did you wish you signed up for the Open or do you regret signing up? Did you get a little competitive push doing the workouts knowing so many other people in the world were attempting the same WOD? Did the workouts reveal a weakness that you hadn’t identified previously? If you’ve done previous Open WODs, did you improve in the last year? Did you PR? Do you have any new goals now that it’s over? Is there anything more you’d like from your trainers in preparation for the Open? Post your reflections to the comments!


WOD 04.11.13

Skills Day

1 Arm Handstands
Dumbbell Cleans

5 Responses to “2013 CrossFit Open Reflection”

April 11, 2013 at 7:22 AM

I’ll say that it was really hard to just watch. I was itching to get in there and do some of the workouts (keyword: “some” — i don’t get along with anyone named Karen at this point).

April 11, 2013 at 9:31 AM

I agree with you Holley. A team for next year would be fun!

I loved the turnout on Fridays and the Thursday skill work that applied to the Open WOD. Definitely fileted open all of my weaknesses. And time to set new goal.

April 11, 2013 at 9:52 AM

I think a team for next year would be awesome!

I still find Fran or any variation of her to be TERRIBLE.

Need to work on t2b as well as muscle-ups

April 11, 2013 at 10:55 AM

I really liked how we all did the wods on Fridays in class, so everybody got the chance to attempt them. It helped me so much to have a counter encouraging me along the way.

I thought 13.1 was the best wod. 13.3 and 13.5 lacked creativity (especially for the non-elite). Castro needs to show some HSPU love!

I need to pray that the Karen wod is not in the open next year, fix my form, and attend Thursday classes to try to learn muscle ups.

Mike K
April 11, 2013 at 2:40 PM

The Open was awesome and I can’t wait for the 2014 Games! It was a great opportunity to see how you (our box) stack up against the elite of the elite and also other boxes. The participation by everyone on Fridays definitely help the excitement of the Open, I hope this will continue for next year.
Dave Castro is an evil genius for 13.5, although I wish it was set up so that more athletes could have made the bonus rounds.

Overall I improved in some areas and didn’t in others; I know what I have to work on in the next 360 some-odd days.