
Summer is just about here and that means it’s competition season. There are many competitions coming up with opportunities for both the beginners and the advanced athletes. Many of the opportunities are individual competition, but there are a couple of team comps coming up. There is absolutely no pressure for any one of you to compete, but for those who enjoy competition or have played competitive sports most of their lives, these are great opportunities to feed that drive. Plus, competitions give you something specific to train for and are great opportunities to PR!

Now this isn’t an exact list, but from past experience, here are some basic movements required if you want to compete:
- Unassisted pull ups
- Plank pushups
- Double unders (you don’t have to string them together, just be capable of doing them)
- Comfortable with all lifts in the 45/65# – 65/95# range (deadlift possibly 100/135-115/155# for reps)
- Be able to squat to full depth (below parallel)
- Wall balls to 10 ft target
- 35/53# KBS
- K2E/T2B
- 20/24″ box jump

Below is a list of upcoming competitions that I’ve found so far. The list will be updated as more are found and a more detailed description of the events will be made available. This summer, we’ll also be hosting our CFI Games which is not yet on the list. Stay tuned for details on that event!


Be sure to talk with a trainer if you are interested in competing. They can help you determine which skill level to sign up for and help you prepared for the event.


WOD 05.02.2013

Skills Day

-Ball up