Recently, Sean and I have had a chance to do some traveling, which is awesome until you factor in the hours spent sitting (on a plane or in a car). Every time I get back from a trip, it usually takes upwards of two days for me to undo (or unglue) the tightness in my psoas, glutes, quads, neck, shoulders, and calves. On this last trip, we tried to be more proactive about our mobility and brought the Grid Mini and the X-Factor Ball with us.

The Grid Mini, measuring a wee 5″x 5″x 5″, packed easily looped through the strap on Sean’s backpack. The X-Factor Ball is like regular TP Ball but slightly larger and denser. We tried to carve out time to use them upon our arrival, during our stay, and even at the airport. Personally, I found it really useful for psoas, pecs, glute, and calf myofascial work. I wish I had watched the programming video they posted for a more effective way to get into my quads, pecs, and lats (see below).

This isn’t a post to get you all to run out and buy the Mini, but it also means there’s no excuse to keep up your mobility when you’re away. At the end of the day, this is just another tool you can exploit to keep your body supple and functional so you can jump right back into training when you get back. The Grid Mini retails at $25 and when coupled with a handy lacrosse ball or two ($3-$6), you have a fully functional kit for the price of a nice dinner. We ordered 4 Mini’s (along with some other Trigger Point rollers) to sell in the Intrepid Store, but one has been reserved already, so comment below if you want one as well. They should arrive mid-week.

With a bit of creativity, you can work just about everything you need to undo the carnage that traveling wreaks on your body. Check out the video below for some ideas.

WOD 06.18.13

Press 3×5 or Wendler

Partner WOD
4 Rounds
Row 350

4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Pistols

Both athletes must row 4 rounds. While your partner is rowing, complete as many rounds as possible of the hspu/pistol couplet. Post total time and reps.

2 Responses to “Trigger Point Grid Mini”

June 18, 2013 at 10:08 AM

Do you know when you will be getting the mini or regular sized ones in? Maybe before July 4th? Either way i would like to reserve a mini and ‘normal’ sized one. BTW The frozen roller thing. Wow. I was drooling and laughing it felt so good. Yup, it’s TMI Tuesday.

June 18, 2013 at 10:18 AM

Lol TMI Tuesday! Did you mean Grid 1.0 when you said ‘normal’? Because we are getting 4 of those in this week.

Anyone else who wants to place an order comment here.