colleen push up

Most of us CrossFitters out there are working professionals and many are parents as well. As dedicated as we are to making it to they gym to do something positive for ourselves, sometimes other parts of life get in the way. You’re on travel for the week, you get stuck working late on a project, one of your children gets sick or has a big soccer game, so you give up your beloved hour at Intrepid. But it’s a part of your routine, what are you going to do?!?

Well, my first suggestion would be to take a spare 15-30 min if you have it, and focus on the often forgotten homework, mobility. If you haven’t already, it would be a great idea to invest in a basic triggerpoint package (which are conveniently sold in the Intrepid store) or at least a foam roller and a band. A night off from the gym and a little focus on a problem mobility area could provide a lot of benefit for the next time you make it into the gym.

Another option would be to knock out some sets of push-ups and squats, or maybe even pull-ups if you have the over the door bar. Those strict body weight movements can be pesky in a WOD, so take a night to knock out 50 of each and focus on full range of motion and solid technique. Maybe this will even kick start a nightly push up routine.

If you really can’t stand not getting your workout in, your push-ups are great and you’re fully mobile, there is always the option of looking up a travel WOD and knocking one out in your living room or hotel room. See Ruth’s post with 12 travel WODs and instructions for correct form.

Tonight is one of those nights for me, so as soon as I finish the post, I’m going to spend some quality time on my sore legs with my footballer and quadballer…and maybe knock out 50 push-ups. See how easy that can be?!


Nick bought a ticket to the CF Games and can no longer go. He’d like to offer it up to any interested Intrepid at what he paid for it, otherwise he’ll sell it online. E-mail me if you are interested.


WOD 07.11.13

Skills Day



1 Response to “The Working CrossFitter”

July 11, 2013 at 8:52 AM

Holley, great ideas. There are tons of body weight exercises and WODs at the travel WOD link. I use them on the road, travel with my jump rope, and do the dirty Turkey WOD to maintain variety on the road.