Today we cover the 2nd announced workout for this weekend’s CFI Games. In Kung Fu Panda, you will perform a variation of the Bear Complex with increasing weights as you make your way up the “ladder”.

“Panda Bear” Complex

  • 5 Hang power cleans
  • 5 Shoulder to overhead
  • 5 Back squats
  • 1 Behind the neck shoulder to overhead

There will be one lane for the women and one lane for the men. Each “rung” of the ladder will start with a buy in, followed by the Panda Bear Complex. The athlete will have 2 min to complete the buy in and the complex.

To complete the ladder, there are 6 weights, men’s weights increase in 20# increments, women’s weights increase in 10# increments.

If the athlete puts the bar down at any point during the complex, it is an immediate 5 burpee penalty, then the athlete may pick up where they left off and attempt to finish the complex within the 2 min cap.

If the athlete does not get through a complex, the athlete has the next 2 min to do as many reps as possible of their buy in movement without coming off the bar. This will act as the tie-breaker for people who make it to the same “rung” of the ladder.

WOD 09.18.13

Deadlift 1×5 (Competitors: 3×5 @ 70-75% 1RM)

Partner WOD

“Row Your Boat”
Row 500m
Row 400m
Row 300m
Row 200m
Row 100m

(Rest while partner is working and vice versa)