Oct / 13
Weightlifting Meet Rules
posted by: Ruth
- Jake at the Invictus meet Feb 2011
- Avelyne at the Nomad WL Meet Oct 2010
- Michael at CF Marina Meet Dec 2010
- Stephanie at CF Marina Meet
- Holley at CF Marina Meet
- Ruth at American Record Makers Jan 2011
- Sean at Invictus
We’ve already had some Intrepids register for the in-house weightlifting meet on Dec 7th and hopefully there will be many more signing up soon! Although this won’t be a sanctioned meet, we’re going to run it as close to one as we can (except for lifting in pounds instead of kilograms and mandatory singlets). Since this will be a first for most of you, I’ll go over the ins and outs and what to expect.
In weightlifting, you get three attempts to establish your max snatch and clean & jerk.
- The lifts must start from the floor and must be done in one continuous movement (except the pause between your clean and jerk). So a deadlift to a hang power clean will not be acceptable come meet day.
- The snatch and jerk must be received with your arms locked out.
- Your knees cannot make contact with the floor at any time.
- To finish either lift, you must bring your feet side by side so they are parallel with the bar BUT you can be facing any direction (ie you don’t have to be exactly facing forward).
- You have to finish with both feet on the platform.
- You have to control the bar down (just follow the bar down to at least shoulder level before letting go. To be safe I keep my hands on until past my waist height).
- You must wait for the head judge to tell you “Down” before you bring the bar down.
Your lifting order all depends on what weight you declare. There’s a whole lot of gaming involved in a meet, so that should come naturally for most of you! We will place you in weight classes but since we have a smaller group participating, the women will lift first and the men will lift after. Here’s a tentative schedule:
09:00am Women weigh in and declare first attempt for each lift
09:05am Warm up as needed
09:30am Snatch (Women)
10:20am 10 min break
10:30am C&J (Women)
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00pm Men weigh in and declare first attempt for each lift
12:30pm Snatch (Men)
01:30pm 10 Min Break
01:40pm C&J (Men)
02:50pm Awards
The lifting order goes by lightest lift to the heaviest. So, if Sandy Sandbagger plans on snatching 65#-75#-85#, and Wanda Wodshop plans on 70#-90#-95#, then the order would be:
Sandy 65
Wanda 70
Sandy 75
Sandy 85
Wanda 90
Wanda 95
There’s a continuously running clock and you have one minute from the time your name is called to begin the lift. However, since Wanda has to follow herself from the 90 to 95# lifts, she will get 2 minutes to begin her 95# lift. Now, once you go up, you can’t go back down (ie Sandy 65-80-75), so choose your weights wisely. You do get to bump your lifts UP a maximum of twice per attempt, so it behooves you to be conservative just in case. Also, when you make a successful first or second lift, you have to go up by at least 2.5 lbs (or 1kg).
The tricky part is how to time your warm ups so that you take your last warm up attempt with enough time before your first lift so you can recover, but not so long that you get cold. That will boil down to having an idea what your fellow competitors are planning to lift. On competition day, we’ll do our best to help you game your warm ups.
Again, we’re asking for volunteers to help with bar loading, scoring, and judging. Please email me or comment below to volunteer. If you plan on lifting, you’re welcome to volunteer and we’ll make sure you only have to “work” when the other group is lifting.
Don’t forget we have our Potluck and Clothing Exchange this Saturday 11/2, at 1pm. RSVP with your dish on the board by the office. The address will be posted this week. (There’s a pool and jacuzzi so bring your floaties!)
WOD 10.29.13
Bench Press 3×5 or Wendler
Five rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts (275/185#)
10 Burpees
3 Responses to “Weightlifting Meet Rules”
October 29, 2013 at 9:21 AM
Happy to volunteer
October 29, 2013 at 10:48 AM
Do we have to split jerk to count for clean and jerk?
October 29, 2013 at 10:57 AM
Great question, Randy! No, you don’t have to split jerk. The three accepted jerks are:
Split Jerk
Power/Push Jerk
Squat Jerk