Yesterday I was chatting with one of our athletes about how to eat when on vacation. While Avelyne’s guide is excellent, it does take a fair bit of preparation. It also hinges on being able to have a home base of some sort, such as a hotel.

The situation presented to me was eating while backpacking, in excess of 5 days in the field. That ends up being a little more extreme of a case and some of the normal rules won’t apply. You’ll need to look for foods that travel well. The normal rule of a daily serving size of nuts may need to be stretched since nuts, dried fruit and beef jerky are lightweight and keep well in the absence of refrigeration. There are some more great tips Sean posted some time ago.

Another question was about grocery shopping on the road where Whole Foods are few and far between. For example, pre-cooked hard boiled eggs are often available in supermarkets but the athlete was concerned about them not being from pastured hens. While that’s an excellent standard for your normal grocery shopping, on the road you may have to relax some standards. I’d highly recommend taking a look at the post about Whole30 grocery shopping. They break down foods into a “Good, Better, Best” categorization, which helps you make a solid choice when presented with less than optimal conditions. They also summarize the list into a helpful handout you can print for reference. Take advantage of these resources to do triage on your shopping list without inducing a panic attack!

WOD 06.19.13

Back Squat 3×5

Buddy Bar DT
6 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks

Athlete completes one round and hands bar to partner. Bar does not touch ground. Penalty for bar resting on ground is 5 burpees each, paid immediately before resuming WOD.

1 Response to “Don’t Overthink It!”

June 19, 2013 at 7:31 AM

Thanks Marcus. I’ll check out those links.